Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday Morning Hangovers

"Other than an inch and seventeen pounds, AP and I are pretty much the same person..." - Maucus #week2

Rave of the Week 

I've always been one who gets motivated very easily, especially when watching sports. Who didn't grow up wanting to be like Mike, besides Nathan? However, for most of my life this aspiration has been for players who were years older than me. Now I sit and watch a game (and age-wise) I'm right in the middle.

My opening was from a conversation with my brother earlier this summer. Now their muscle mass isn't even comparable, but he argued why shouldn't he at least draw a respectable comparison to "All Day" for sharing similar body aspects. While watching the Mayweather/Alvarez fight, I couldn't help but have the same thoughts. Floyd's 5'8, I'm 6'0 even. Money's 146 lbs, I'm 150 even. Mayweather is 37 years old, I'm only 26. WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE!?

Boys...we're in the prime of life right now. We'll never be these ages, again! This is why I take my hat off to Hery; he is at least out there doing triathlons and other various physical conditioning events. I know that a few other of you at least hit the gym routinely (Francois, Justin & Maucus). This isn't a health club, but there's no reason we shouldn't be in a good health especially at all of our current ages.

Now I'm not claiming this look for 2014 (I'm being realistic) but look for me in two years and the start of the 2015 Elite League season (and anyone else who wants to make the most of what twenties they have left feel free to join) I've got the goal, the workout, the only thing left is the determination.

Rant of the Week

As much as this is a rant, it's also an accreditation to you all. We all have strategies to working the waiver wire and believe me, I've tried them all:

  • The idea that if you put in more than one waiver, you'll most likely end up with your third option...
  • The idea that person before you might have a higher priority, but maybe if you put your claim in earlier...
  • The idea that by not playing the waivers, (hopefully) you can select them as a FA and boost your priority for Saturday's claim.

I have no idea which one of my auspicious ways truly works, but this whole topic came from Hery's dramatic post (however when is he not verklempt) that if there's a disturbance in the "waiver force," the Darth Waiver would be there. Last week I sent Steve a vociferous text about how I KNEW he'd take the pick I wanted. Sometimes I'll watch Fantasy Live for waiver pickups and think, "in what league are these guys still available?!" It's because this truly "Elite" league is always, "why did I even try?" "why did I think was the only person who knew about him? "why is Justin picking up another QB?" (Heh) WHY DO YOU GUYS TAKE WAIVERS SO SERIOUSLY?!

It's because we all want to be able to say, "started from the bottom, now the whole teams here." {Cut} Actually, no one think that, I just wanted an excuse to justify putting Drake in to augment my headline photo.

Take Two.

{Action} It's because we're all hungry for the championship. It's not time to panic, as of now, everyone is still just as much a playoff team as anyone else. So go out there, do your research, steal my sleeper picks for this week and remember: I'll probably kick and scream anyway...[BRAIN ALERT: maybe that'll be a good time to get in some sit ups...hmm]

I'm out like my first seven claims, tomorrow morning...


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