Sunday, August 23, 2015

2015 Draft Lottery

I apologize gentlemen as the day was very full and got away from me, nevertheless for those who are interested in their draft pick results, behold! (Video presentation coming)

1. The Sith 
2. Prophet N Kings 
3. Sons of Thunder 
4. The Bane 
5. Gotham Knights 
6. Orange Crush 
7. Limited Edition 
8. Dunwall Assassins
9. Heartbreak Kid 
10. Sesame Street Gang 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Straight Out Clowning...(Continued)

Here are some more! Can you figure out which fits whom?

I'll be waiting for my meme, now. Anybody wanna step up?

- JB

Monday, August 10, 2015

Straight Out Clowning...

Gentlemen. Start your engines. The 2015 season of the Elite League begins. If you're not up to date with the most recent trends of the internet, I'm not going to waste the time to catch you up. All you need to know is there is no other way to start a new season than by shots fired. As much I would have liked to feature all of you, I only had a six carrier so I had to use my best ammo. Welcome to year 10. 

Here's how it works: "Straight Outta" either means what you "represent" or what you don't have :) 

Gotham Knights would still draft Daunte Culpepper if the didn't say, "NO."

The Bane is actually from a place called "Farmington"...this is a probably a compliment. 

This one made me laugh out loud. 

Get the blade count on your razor up, Sith!
I don't care if 10 more years go by...I just can't resist myself when it comes to The Educators. 

Dude could only take so many losses...
P.s. Niners are "straight outta players"