Saturday, November 16, 2013

Tuesday Morning Special

Co-worker: Wow! Stories? Podcast?? Songs!? WEBSITES? I’m surprised you haven’t made t-shirts about wins…” Me: “Hm. That’s a great idea. I’m sure it’s only because no one has thought of it yet…” #weektenpreview

Rave of the Weekend

Alas, it’s the calm before the proverbial “playoff” storm. With recent confusion concerning waiver rules, I thought it’d be a good time to refresh everyone on our new playoff system. It’s really easy to look at the standings and forget, but there are some things as Commish, doesn't allow me to access (per what you see in current rankings). As it stands, if the playoffs started today it would be:

Sesame Street Gang & Sons of Thunder would get the bye and the divisional games would take place. Week fourteen would commence with (2) The Educators vs. (3) The Sith and (2) The Bane vs. (3) Heartbreak Kid

The first round winner of the West would go on to play SSG and winner of the East would face Sons of Thunder in week fifteen. The winners would feature the “elite of the east” and the “best in the west” for a week sixteen, championship, Superbowl, showdown (say that three times fast).

For those of you at the top of the league (and those at the bottom) don’t view this current playoff picture as set in stone, after ten weeks, (if you've learned anything) its fantasy football isn't a set in stone type of game…  

Let me know if you have any questions.

Rant of the Weekend

My friends…

As you know, our fellow GM, JB is leaving us for happily ever after. (If you were present, dude went “Jordan Game 6” on his proposal) It’s early but I've been thinking about the incredible void that will soon exist…there have been many who've tried, but few who've been able to compete: Sick as Cali, Greased Up Deaf Guys, The Diplomats, Texans Tea Party, (former Maven, lol) Dream Killers, Go For Gold, etc. In fact the only former GM that still has some respect is Polite but we can now add JB to that list. The dude’s brought a lot to our group (your podcast might be enough to make you an Elite HOF in five years, buddy) but with the end drawing near, I thought I’d bring it to the group for ideas for next year.   

Now you know I've got much love for you all. Each and every one of you. I pride myself on being a competitor, an intellect nor a quitter and I think that’s prevalent by the friends I have in this league. You know our league…you know how we are…and more importantly, you know how we research. So seriously think of someone who (I’d say fit in, but survive might be the better word) for the Elite 2014. If you all come up with five names I can even place them in the polls and we put it to vote!

So please don’t suggest a duck.

I’m out like Ghostface Vilma…  

[Elite History Fact #57]: Hery’s first team name? “Mr. Koolaid” And he’d sign off by typing, “oooooo yea” 

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