Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tuesday Morning Hangovers

"Get ready for this week's page to look like something off Craig's list... #tradedeadline" #weekeleven

Rave of the Week

Gentlemen, I implore you to hear my pitch I present before you. We've reached a peak in the season where at least seven people have a chance to win it all (so you’ll be less inclined to listen when we get down to two GMs). After winning last year, I took the trophy and added my name (along with our history) into stone. We've had our trophy for three years now, but I wanted to further make it "ours" by adding names. Upon entering the store, lo and behold, I saw this thing...    
Look at the headline photo. Gaze upon it! Even in a room full of trophies, it was impossible to miss. It’s as massive as a Superbowl ego. The clerk told me the base will support enough names for thirty years...(next year we'll at be nine years, so we're pretty close, give or take a decade or two).   
I love our trophy, but it also looks like it was awarded to me for winning a spelling bee competition. The other trophy that you see before you is a high school state trophy. Why can’t our league have a High school STATE trophy for the Elite? We had a podcast, people! If you grew up as an Adventist, you were robbed at the chance to win anything "state-wide" since most events took place during Sabbath hours...this is your chance to take back that moment and bring it to your very own home.  
Now we’re all still very young and pretty much at the start of this thing called life. Yet we still all have aspirations for something more, do something more, own something more. Personally, I'd would like to have a fireplace with a mantle. I cannot explain why, but for me that's really living and a trophy like that is exactly the kind of piece of pedigree you would place on it. 
  • Francois, that book shelf you one day want to have…imagine this sitting on it?
  • Maucus, can you imagine something this big encompassing the entirety of your dorm room?
  • Steven…actually, I have no idea what’d you do with it…sit it on your classroom desk? (Maybe make a song about it?)
  • Dan, wouldn't this look great in a case downstairs in your man cave?
  • Nathan, I've seen the stand you had the trophy sitting on…how about a BIGGER trophy?
  • Justin, can’t you envision buying a pillar and placing it upon?
  • Hery, wouldn't this look great in the back of your car or wherever you threw the last one?
Quick story and then I’ll close:
I took the current trophy from Nathan after attending his little sister’s wedding this summer. Upon entering Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, I drew much attention because of what was on my arm (I wasn't going to put it in my suitcase). Two older ladies clapped (TRUE STORY) A gentlemen walked up to me at the check in line and said, “Hey, congratulations.” At airport security, an officer looked at me and nodded his head in respect. Walking to my gate I felt a sense of accomplishment, as if I really did something in life. At my gate, a young lady with awe (okay, not really) asked, “Wow, what did you win?” I looked at her, beaming with hubris and said, “my fantasy football league.” She laughed (hater). Nevertheless can you see the adulation that comes from having a trophy? Now imagine having it within your own home and someone ask, “what did you win?” To which you can turn and proudly showcase not just our hobby, but the incredible league and group of friends that you belong among...and that's the true value, not the game, or even trophy, but the evidence of grand commradery within your group of elite friends.  
In this league, “you only win once” a year. Make your moment, your opportunity, your time with the trophy…one incomparable to anything else!

Rant of the Week

Last year I spoke on something in week 15 that I doubt many of you read so I wanted to reiterate it while I still have a bigger audience. Just another sign that the season is quickly drawing to a close... 

Throughout the week there are many voices in your ear…#FF analyst, GM’s trying to trade, podcast, columnist, polls, strangers you asked for advice (I'll tell that story another time), etc. All of this can leave you flummoxed with feelings of uncertainty, anticipation, etc. However there is one feeling that he can be felt even over what everything else is being said around you…your spidey senses. Just kidding. It’s mostly referred to as a “gut feeling” or you’ll hear the question, “what’s your gut call?” I prefer to call it by its {patent pending name} the “tummy principle.” The tummy principle is the guiding nerve that tells us what is good and evil. When we go away from this, it leaves us uneasy, nervous...we all know the feeling. How does our stomach also function as a brain? How do I know this doesn't just happen to me and it's just a sign that I'm running out of ideas after eleven weeks of creative writing? I have no idea, however I do know that good or bad move, I always feel it in the stomach.   

Going into the final games of the 2013 season, I’m using the tummy principle. Does it mean your stomach is always right? Of course not, but I’d rather lose because of something I did verse losing because of listening to the wrong advice (then I’d really be sick to my stomach).

I’m out like bye weeks...  

[Elite History Fact #97: Gotham Knights & Limited Edition are the only GMs to have never changed their team name, thus making them the oldest “brands” currently in Elite League History.]

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