Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Tuesday Morning Hangover Finale

“I just won the 2012 Elite League Championship; what am I going to do now?! I’m going to Disney World!!! #2012superbowl #2009rematch #champ

Rave of the Week
If you asked me at the beginning of the season I would’ve told you a completely undefeated season was impossible; yet sixteen weeks later a new record has been added to league history. 16-0 from now on the goal to achieve is the HB2K12. I don’t take this lightly or likelihood of this ever happening again…
When the league first started we didn’t have a trophy so whenever a champion was declared, the winner would buy a wrestling belt. I’ll never forget when I bought my first one…we have a trophy now, but I still highly recommend purchasing a belt (whenever you win) if for nothing else than tradition.
From the beginning of the year, I started signing off my TMH as “HB2K” Except for Dan no one questioned what the “two” meant…it was my claim for the belt. It was a bold step especially from the start of the season, but last year Nathan “tattooed” the trophy on his arm and won so I took note. You don’t happen on victory, you claim it. Now with a second crown and an undefeated season, I’ve earned the abbreviation HB2K.
Rave of the Week II
One thing I’ve appreciated about this year more than any as been this weekly TMH. The championship doesn’t always go to the most dedicated, but I think dedication can be rewarded. I made it a goal this year to write EVERY week. Upon winning it all, I unknowingly have recorded the ups and downs of this entire 16-0 year. Without these posts, this year might have become a vague memory, but now I can look back on things such as “the tummy principle,” “that guy,” “your boy’s boy,”  “Willie Wink Day,” “elite league dictionary,” “the birthday effect” (okay, I’ll never forget that last one…) Whatever happened this year, you name it, it’s been recorded…
Week Eleven’s TMH referenced how a true GM learns to win “under any circumstance.” So far I’ve been privilege to win in college and now with a full time job, but this isn’t the end. Eventually I want to claim one while married, while I have children and whatever retirement home we all end up in someday. On Sunday I thought, “I should retire…it’s like the ultimate way to go out” but nay, I tell you! We’ve never had a defending champ, a three time champ or an underdog champ (the favorite has always won). There is still much to accomplish!
I’m out like "Bronco’s Girl" from Nathan’s house to mine… #welcomeback
P.s. Merry Christmas and see you in August, boys!!!

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