Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday Morning Hangovers

Can we just all agree now that the first matter on the agenda this offseason will be to get rid of that stupid Snicker’s weekly, annoying trophy??? #weekthirteen
Rave of the Week
With the last regular game of the season over I’m using this week’s article as my editorial page (which always comes at the end) to recognize the longest running, online subscription throughout the Elite’s history of fantasy football…”Tuesday Morning Hangover.”
When I initially started TMH (formerly known as Reece’s Rants & Raves) it was because throughout the weekend there’d be a lot that would happen on the football field that would either make me elate or irate…(I discovered that this happens every week when you play #FF) so I started venting them. It was always a message board item because it was weekly thing and I didn’t want to take away from stories (which were then more regularly posted) However (as mentioned in my week 9 rant) the abundance of waiver research would push my article to the back which created the story and now the weekly “front page.”
There have been others who’ve tried and they get a "D" for effort (and I’m not sure if’s “Hery’s Typo Challenge” is a semi-weekly article or just ramblings or if it could even get a publisher…) because it’s not an easy thing to do for (currently) 16 weeks straight and although some years TMH is more like “Wednesday Morning Rollovers” (but it’s always on the blog by 10AM thanks to “control v;” the delicate page doesn’t work that way) nevertheless this year you got your money’s worth with something every week (a promise I’m not making forever…)Also it’s a lot easier writing when you win…who knew? But when you think: Wednesday – Fabiano’s “Start ‘em, Sit ‘em” Thursday- Berry’s “Love/Hate” come to recognize Tuesday- Reece’s “TMH.”   
Rant of the Week
Week thirteen has to be the second most depressing weekend of the football season (first being the Sunday following Superbowl). The season has come to an end; I mean…now what do you, do? Go Fishing? (Picture coming) Try the latest Food network recipes? Re-watch Star Wars? Join a debate team? A Mavis Beacon typing class, maybe??
 My offseason usually consists of replacing TMH with blogging and twitter, NFL games with the Spurs season, Mad Men reruns and Madden 13 Franchise (where the Rams win it all…every year).
However this offseason I stepped my reading game up by checking out, "the Life that wins" (kudos to Francois) also girlfriend wants to learn the bass guitar so I might try something different and who knows by next year we may have a theme song for the Elite league. Yeah right…what is this, Cheers?
I’m out like Exposed, Bishop Bio’s and Sideline Injury Report…
P.s. TMH isn’t over…the real season is just beginning.
P.s.s. The end of the season awards are coming…

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