Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy Heritage Month

Happy Sunday, Fellas! It's another day of football, back to our routine for the game. Some of us make the best of it by huddling up each weekend for the fun! Sadly, some of us are stuck behind the grind of work, or just oversleeping each week (Justin lol). Either way, this week should be a little bit different. This month highlights the celebration of the Hispanic heritage influenced in our country. The beautiful fact is that we all get to live and kick it together, no matter where we're from or who we are. I still would not be surprised if Reece was an intern for the FBI, or an undercover agent. But we are all Boys! He can still tryout for the comeback of The Village People as the officer.

I know I am never known to represent much of the Mexican culture I like to claim, but I do have pride in that history of my family. During one of my projects in college, I worked on making my family tree. First off, I recommend everyone to do it. You learn a lot about your family's history and where you're from. What I found is that my great uncle on my grandmother's side of the family was the very first Mexican mailman in the Quad Cities. I also found out where my family is actually from and that we actually "still" own a lot of property down there in Mexico. We own a hospital, school and houses under the Martinez name, but there are too many legal issues between Mexico and the United States to claim it.

I still remember the stories my great grandmother would share about Pancho Villa and her encounter with him. She was just a little girl when he showed up at her house. He was all decked out with ammo, ready to "Ride!" He was just visiting homes to find men who would stand with him for the Revolution. Now the part of history I'm proud to even experience myself as a young boy was our family restaurant (which is my goal to start up again one of these days). The Martinez Taco House was the very first Mexican American restaurant in Iowa. It would have been the very first in the Quad Cities, but Adolfs in Moline beat us to it. That's fine, I'll still take the stat!

I could continue on, but I do not want to make this league a highlight on my life. Most of you know me too much already lol I'm not going to lie though. I wish I had more of a Mexican culture represented in my life, but we should all be proud of who we are. We should all be proud of the opportunity we have as Men of God, to share His love and respect for everyone. We have Great Friends to share life with and we represent many "Shades of Success" in our league! Please keep in mind that this month has a different "shade" of its own. I love you guys and I wish you the best!

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