Thursday, October 30, 2014

Tuesday Morning Specials

Sorry Jay, like RSVPs & childhood names that end in "y"...somethings are just tradition. 
Surprise…once writer’s block has been lifted, there’s always an abundance to share. 

The second quarter of the season (weeks 4-8) usually mark the slowest part of a fantasy season. The excitement of the New Year has worn off (there were 17 posts for September, for October - 7), we’re still too far away to take playoff pictures and the page is usually used solely for football purposes.

It’s not until after week 8, that a playoff picture develops and wins-losses begin to really matter, match-up schedules are closely observed and competition is reborn. With the importance of games rising, (as was my previous custom) let’s look a few that should be watched closely this week:

Dunwall Assassins vs. Bane
Last year Steve lost his first few, but once he got his first win, he was on a roll "Breaking .500" (I know because I played him the following week and lost). Owen has started hot this year, but a potential loss this weekend could create a wide, wide West.

Sesame Street Gang vs. Gotham Knights
This is quietly the biggest rival in the Elite at the moment and this year both teams have been great. Let’s be honest, there’s nothing better than crushing a team you already hopes sucks every year and especially if it’s for first place in the “Beast.”

Orange Crush vs. Heartbreak Kid
“Battle of the Founders” Ryan texted me this earlier this week and I thought it was great. It’s “Cain & Abel,” “#FF Wright Brothers,” either way, someone’s going down (sorry Abel and all plane crashes).


All things considered, this has been a calm, cool and collected season in comparison to “other years.” Honestly, I've been fine with it…who needs drama in make believe game of football?

Nevertheless it’s the straw that stirs the drink that keeps everything from completely settling at the bottom. That straw was always Dan (dude was genius at being a straight up troll). Yet in 2014, who has served as the evil vs. the good? Or has the Elite league reached a state of Utopia? 

The antagonist title at first was Justin’s claim, but he really hasn't done much to defend that in recent years. Hery is another who hasn't declared himself an anti-hero, but he's definitely a nemesis on the message boards. Personally, I hate losing to any of you: I've lost 8 games in the past 3 years and I could tell you to who and why I loss in each one. Which made me think: is it possible everyone hates me? I’m taking this to the polls: who’s the villain in the Elite league?

I’m out like the Knicks’ chances of beating the Cavs in tonight’s opener…


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