Saturday, December 5, 2015

Saturday Evening Rollovers

As we get ready to start a new week (and almost new year), I’ve got some resolutions to finish... 

Rave of the Week

The Bane. 6 Seasons. Spoiler Alert: I’m now reaching my older than dirt, friendships…

I first met Steve back in the winter of 2007. (YIKES, it’s basically 2016) He had bangs and walked around with a laptop on his shoulder playing beats. Please feel free to reread that last sentence, again.
Back then we would make ramen noodles out of an unsanitary cooker and pretend we were Spartans. Now when he comes to town, we eat Thai Ramen Noodles (Blue Orchid) and pretend to be NFL GMs. Some things in life never really change, they just evolve and that’s exactly what Steve has done.

He hasn’t dramatically changed over the years, he’s just evolved into a better Steve and plays this game the Steve way (like taking 85% of my waiver claims since about week 2).

He finds way to incorporate music into figment football and let’s be honest: (as much you all may hate me for saying this as we all try and claim this title), he usually has the funniest comments. TMH has always been a trademark, but other than that I don’t make polls or start comments. Steve has 
always been one of the pulses in this league and it absolutely wouldn’t be the same without him.

Rant of the Week

Life rarely goes the way we plan it, if we’re optimistic enough to plan, at all. The pessimists and hopeless have given up a long time, ago. I never give up. Ever. In 2013, I won the Elite championship with 5 losses. For point of reference, the previous 3 Elite Superbowl winning teams had 8 losses…combined.

What I love about this league is that you all never give up, too. Statistics will tell you the odds are against you, yet heading into this final weekend, four teams out East are fighting to make the playoffs. How easy would it be to have given up weeks ago? No one plans on losing or injuries to key players. I didn’t plan on writing so little this year...yet I sit here right now determined to write at least 6 more post this year because I am not a quitter and neither are you all. Quitters never win and winners never quit.

When we look back on this year, you won’t see the usual stories or comments or creativity…but what you will see is a league with a bunch of fighters. [As I write this, Limited Edition is still setting his line up at 3-9]. Basically, this league is the Rocky series, they will never, ever stop (I guess that makes Michael B. Jordan a waiver pick up).

Life rarely goes the way we plan it, but we find ways to win at life, regardless.   

I’m out like Calvin Johnson on end of game camera footage…


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